An Early American or European Coverlet
Item: 745
Origin: America or Europe
Date: First half 19th C.
Media: Wool
Dimensions: 74″ x 56″
Description: This beautiful coverlet is woven in two parts and stitched down the center. The construction of this blanket is unusual. Groups of yarn are gathered like a bundle and these become the wefts. The warps are a very thin, fine, single ply of yarn and they “tie down” the wefts. The embroidered flowers, leaves and stems are applied based on the size of these wide wefts of yarn, giving a geometric pattern to the overall design. Red, pink, peach, deep indigo blue, brown, yellow and green/grey make up the colors. Samples were sent in for dye analysis on the red, pink and peach colors with Dr. David Wenger. The red showed up as 100% lac, the pink is 100% cochineal and the peach a cochineal along with some other unknown dye. The edging along the sides includes a woven, dark, indigo blue piece of fabric that helps to secure. This can be clearly seen in the 3rd photo below.
Restoration: No restoration needed. Some small holes and center seam undone in parts.
Price: SOLD