An Early Silver Cross Pendant As A Reliquary Box

Item: 1571

Origin: Spanish Colonial
Date: Mid 17th to early 18th Century

Media: Silver

Dimensions: 2.5″ by 1.75″

Description: This is the earliest silver cross I’ve had.   The wear to the surface is evident, as is the wear to the ring at the top.  The front shows Christ on the cross very finely etched.  The back is harder to decipher. There is a ladder reaching up from the base.  It appears that the center of the back has writing on it, likely Latin, but it’ impossible for me to tell what it says.  The etching on the back is just as fine as found on the front.  There is a hole at the base that goes through both parts, allowing it to stay sealed with a pin inserted.  Inside still exists the “relic”.  The relic might be pieces of wood to fill in the shape of the cross.  One of the wings of the cross relic is missing, the rest is all there.   The wood used to shape the cross would likely be from something with strong religious value.

Condition:  Condition is original without restoration.

Price: SOLD

Early Silver cross pendant (mid 17th to early 18th c.) as a reliquary box still holding the relic.