Plains Beaded Drop Circa 1880
Plains, possible Arapahoe
Circa 1880 | Hide, Glass Beads | Item 2077
The colors of the glass beads and the arrangement suggests that this may be Arapahoe. The use of black beads adjacent to the pink and blue has the feel for Arapahoe. Five rows of greasy yellow beads are at the center of the mountain design. This is well executed onto a thick hide, possibly elk. The beads are all sewn in with sinew. There is a side trim of blue beads that goes all around except for the curved top. There is a small amount of loss to the side trim on one side as seen in the photos. The hide strip tied at the top is likely a more recent addition. The hide is very soft and the whole drop is very flexibility with no stiffness.
(505) 699-0323
9 1/2" by 3 1/8"
Very good with some bead loss
Private collection in Massachusetts