My Sister’s Pop-up Show coming to Santa Fe
My sister Candace Compton Pappas is having a show here in Santa Fe at the Shelby house from April 18 to May 2. I own several of her pieces and love having them in my home. Anyone that comes to my house admires them and always wants to know more about the artist and I’m so proud to tell them it’s my sister.
Candace’s paintings hold a powerful and often ethereal space for me. Her open and what I might call “infinite” space will embrace a solitary object – a bird, a house, a chair, a canoe, etc. The isolation of the object imbibes it with extra powers beyond the normal eye and felt more by my heart than anything else. The sensation takes me to a much bigger space that, while words may try to describe, is far beyond the verbal expression and enters into a deep primal place. I encourage you to make this show and if it’s not possible to attend in person, then follow the link below at the bottom of this post to her website where she goes into rich detail.
About The Show
Michigan-based artist Candace Compton Pappas will be in residence at Shelby House from April 18 through May 2, 2019.
220 Shelby Street / Santa Fe/ NM 87501 / 505.216.0836
This pop-up show will feature Compton Pappas’ works for sale with the artist in attendance throughout.
Opening Weekend Events
Friday, April 19, 5-7pm: Public Reception
Saturday, April 20, 2pm: Free artist talk with Q&A
Here is a link to the Shelby House announcement: https://www.shelbyhousesf.com/events/2019/3/2/april-18-may-2vessels-what-we-hold-what-holds-us-by-candace-compton-pappas
My work is drawn from a love of earth, dirt and sky, color and light, and any materials I can make stick.
– Candace Compton Pappas
Here’s a link to Candace’s website with lots of wonderful examples:
If you miss the show, feel free to come either into the Shelby House or to the James Compton Gallery at 28 Burro Alley during business hours for more information. I will be happy to better connect you with Candace.