Apache Lead Club or Skull Cracker

Item #: 684
Origin: Likely Apache
Date: 19th Century
Media: Leather, wood, tacks, lead
Dimensions: 12.5″ for stick, overall 18″, lead ball 1.4″ diameter
Description: This club is an authentic war item with much use.  Hide is sewn onto a wood stick and is attached to a thick, sinew or tendon like piece that holds the ball. The leather appears to be buffalo. There is an original hand loop at the end 6″ in length and this length is not included in the above measurements.  This is a powerful weapon and could do some serious damage with the free floating lead ball.  I find it interesting how the hide hangs down to cover the sight of the lead ball, as well the fringe, helping to camouflage the fierce weapon at the heart of it all.  The weapon has the initial impression of being a quirt, both in size and fringe, but indeed it’s something else all together.

There is a point where the leather hide on the wood stick is separated and tacked in place.  I’m not sure why this is, other than to perhaps repair, but if so, it was early on as the leather all appears similar in color, texture and wear.

Price: Sold

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