The Great Wall

Well, maybe not great, but for my 15 ft by 15 ft gallery, it’s about as great as I can get.

The totem borders the left side and topped by a Hopi tableta, centered by the classic Navajo child’s size blanket and then framed to the right by the Navajo cradleboards on the top and the Pueblo cradleboards on the bottom.  The shelf holds the early gobernador bowl adjacent to the bison skull.  To the right of the bowl is another bowl – a Hopi piki bowl, sitting on top of a very early piki cooking stone.  Supporting these pots and the stone is a classic Rio Grande blanket of brown, white and indigo blue.

Here is a close up view of the piki bowl and pike stone (above).  Notice the amazing patina on the stone.  These stones would be over an open fire and greased with fat to then cook the very thinly rolled cornmeal into a tasty  type of cornbread.

Photoed below are two pictures of the Hopi tableta.  It’s a wonderful example of an early 20th century period.  One side has red tips, the other yellow.

Not to be lost are a pair of Kickapoo moccasins of the late 19th to early 20th century seen adjacent to the bison skull.  They are soft and wonderful with their simple yet bold glass bead geometric design.

Please come in to the gallery if you can for a closure look at these items. They each have a story to tell, and a life to share.

Meanwhile, enjoy your late summer time…

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